Deities and Pantheons
“Zeus, first cause, prime mover; for what thing without Zeus is done among mortals?”
― Aeschylus, Agamemnon
In many ways, the deities or gods of your world should be treated as characters in their own right. They have their own desires, goals and abilities. These might be out in the open, such as preparing mortals for the end times, or they could be hidden goals, only revealed to those who prove themselves worthy.
On many worlds, these beings made the planet you are standing on, he stars in the skies. They may control the very air you breathe or can guide your blade to victory. Some gods even work with or against others divine beings.
Take your time with them and use the aspect tables to help fill in the blanks, or, use them as a starting point. Never be afraid to roll again or too pick a result you feel works better. On the flip side, you don’t always have to throw away a seemingly contradictory or nonsense result, as these can sometimes give you the most memorable characters, or in this case, deities.
But, if you need details, or at least, something to help jump-start your imagination and the creative process, then look no further.
Inside you’ll find…
Pantheon aspects which covers…
Nature of the pantheon
Where did they come from
Power Source
Range of their power
Individual Deity aspects such as…
Friends and enemies
Name style
Power Level
Relationship with mortals
Rules, taboos and atonement
Plus 5 appendixes, all d100 tables, to help flesh out the details you may need even more
Appendix 1 – Base Form
Appendix 2 – Domain
Appendix 3 – Rules & Taboos
Appendix 4 – Symbols & Tools
Appendix 5 – Worshipers
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