A short while ago, I was contacted by Sam of SingleHop(http://www.singlehop.com/) and asked a few questions in regards to the upcoming Geekness day of July the 13th. First I’ll list the questions, then answer them one by one.

1. What makes you a geek?
2. What is your proudest geek moment?
3. What is your geek motto/favorite geek quote?
4. Who is your geek role model?
5. Which SingleHopper geek do you most relate to? Why?
6. How familiar are you with SingleHop’s product offerings (dedicated servers, private cloud hosting, managed hosting, etc.)?
7. Anything else you think we should know?

1. What makes you a geek?

According to wiki a geek is “The word geek is a slang term originally used to describe eccentric or non-mainstream people; in current use, the word typically connotes an expert or enthusiast or a person obsessed with a hobby or intellectual pursuit”. Well lets see what that covers for me. I love sci-fi such as Star Trek, Star Wars, Firefly etc. I have an appreciation of Lord of the Rings. Please ignore my big collection of memorable and collectibles such as my light sabers, Gen 1 Optimus Prime , plush yoda and RPG related book collection. Oh and of course running Ennead Games and making rpg supplements and products for other writers and story tellers.

2. What is your proudest geek moment?

Meeting the cast and crew of not only Babylon 5 but Gareth Thomas from Blakes-7 a few years back. One of those moments where you make a funny squealing like noise and then think “oh dear, I’ve embarrassed myself” only to have a huge mountain of a person do the same right after you for the same reason, you both then look at each other and grin and go and have a nice chat and get an autograph from someone who stared in a show you used to watch religiously as a kid.

3. What is your geek motto/favorite geek quote?

There are several, most of them from monty python and the holy grail. I wont put them here, but one about being repressed and a shrubbery should give people an idea of the ones I’m talking about. But my fav quote related to geek-culture is “I would love to change the world, but they won’t give me the source code” as I have done some programming in my time and who at some point hasn’t wanted to change something about the world?

4. Who is your geek role model?

I have two actually, from the same field – namely rps. The first is Gary Gygax for co-creating Dungeons and Dragons. Picking up a book in school about DnD started my life long-fascination with both fantasy, lord of the rings and rpgs, eventually leading to my current position. It was a sad day when he passed away, but I like to think he’s up there, gaming with the best people from history. The second is from the same industry, and is Monty Cook. He has done a lot of amazing work over the years and the quality is simply amazing in my view. Numenera is ,if i am honest, the type of game i wished i had designed and published.

5. Which SingleHopper geek do you most relate to? Why?

Hmm that’s a tricky one, but probably David Dunlap. Why? This quote from one of his posts “I am a big believer when it comes to hands on experience. There are just some things that must be felt.”. I’ve always believed that experience is the best teacher and this sums it up for me perfectly.

6. How familiar are you with SingleHop’s product offerings (dedicated servers, private cloud hosting, managed hosting, etc.)?

I’ve seen SingleHop around on my net browsing before. I’m the type of person that only goes looking for something when i really need it. Such as new shoes or managed hosting(bit of a jump between the two I know). One thing that caught my eye was the Private Cloud as I often have to switch between various machines and having access to my all data across various platform, such as my laptop, main machine, tablet etc makes things very handy, especially if I am traveling or visiting friends and I get a good idea and no-where to store it.

7. Anything else you think we should know?

Have a look at Ennead games Facebook page. I regularly post updates and offers only there. But more importantly, if anyone starts hating on you or your hobby, like many geeks did as kids, it’s probably because they don’t understand how much it means to you and are probably jealous that they don’t have something to be passionate about in their lives. So don’t get angry about it, just let them get on with it – as the saying goes “Haters gonna hate”

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