Helm Old History Artifact Metal  - Momentmal / Pixabay

Around the world there are items that are considered Artrfacts if not of great power, then of high signifgance and cultural importance in the real world . TTRPGs are no exception and have these types of items. Often they have powers and abilities beyond what mortals alone can make. Or they may be “mundane” and be important due their history. Whatever they are known for, a lot of them have a name. This name may indicate their powers, or be a refenmce to who, or what made them, or even their purpose…

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[tablelist caption=”” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”center|center”]

D100,Artefact Name
1 , Anarchyrust
2 , Astralsnarl
3 , Autumnstarve
4 , Azurestretch
5 , Backfling
6 , Beastengage
7 , Beautycharge
8 , Bloodlurch
9 , Brokensurge
10 , Bronzescheme
11 , Chaossever
12 , Crownwreck
13 , Darkretreat
14 , Dawndream
15 , Daytattle
16 , Deathzing
17 , Delightglitter
18 , Deliriumbreeze
19 , Desiregroan
20 , Despairbrake
21 , Destinystumble
22 , Destructionfrown
23 , Diamondclasp
24 , Divinerush
25 , Dragonpoison
26 , Dreamhack
27 , Duskstorm
28 , Dwarfstruggle
29 , Eaglestare
30 , Earthboost
31 , Eastbreaker
32 , Eclipsemoan
33 , Elfgarble
34 , Emeraldglisten
35 , Enigmaengulf
36 , Eternitygobble
37 , Etherealgleam
38 , Eviltussle
39 , Fearshine
40 , Fireshimmer
41 , Forestblast
42 , Fortunelurk
43 , Giantsunder
44 , Gnomecrackle
45 , Goldwail
46 , Goodcrave
47 , Groundcrush
48 , Hallowedlash
49 , Handsnap
50 , Heresyslice
51 , Herotrim
52 , Hopecower
53 , Icedevour
54 , Imperialrise
55 , Infinitytravel
56 , Ironprobe
57 , Krakenslump
58 , Landglare
59 , Lawsmite
60 , Libertytrip
61 , Lightstrain
62 , Lionbolt
63 , Moonsparkle
64 , Mountainwrest
65 , Nightmaretrap
66 , Nightsneak
67 , Northsoar
68 , Oceanslide
69 , Ogrerive
70 , Paragonprune
71 , Primalweave
72 , Sandgrasp
73 , Sapphirerend
74 , Scourgepower
75 , Seafuse
76 , Serenitywind
77 , Silverleap
78 , Skyshatter
79 , Solarserve
80 , Solitudemend
81 , Southsteal
82 , Springgaze
83 , Starscrawl
84 , Steelveil
85 , Storyscorch
86 , Summerburst
87 , Sunseize
88 , Tigerrip
89 , Timewrench
90 , Titanerase
91 , Tormentmuse
92 , Trollfight
93 , Twilightsmash
94 , Vengefulzap
95 , Voidsplit
96 , Waterburn
97 , Westyank
98 , Windpeck
99 , Winterreveal
100 , Worldusher


Get the PDF that was used to make this list HERE



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