This weeks list gives you 20 names for groups or gangs. Not all gangs are thugs going around doing bad things, some may just have chosen a name to help protect themselves or the name was a legacy of days gone by when they were criminals and now keep it as a reminder to not go down that path again.

Disagree with this list? Think something else should have gone on it? Post in the comments section or on the social media platform you saw this article.

[tablelist caption=”” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”left|left”]

D20,Gang Name
1 , The Almighty Coterie
2 , The Bad Raiders
3 , The Bronze Assembly
4 , The Dangerous Team
5 , The Downtown Kings
6 , The Dreadful Spiders
7 , The Hateful Soldiers
8 , The Heavens Corps
9 , The Imperial Crew
10 , The Invisible Gang
11 , The Lightning Clique
12 , The Loyal Vultures
13 , The Northern Thugs
14 , The Pygmy Dogs
15 , The Reborn Front
16 , The Silver Players
17 , The Steel Riders
18 , The Unholy Troop
19 , The Untouchable Piranhas
20 , The Uptown Pack


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