GUILD NAME: Master Leatherworkers Guildhall
Tradestuffs: Leatherworkers
Guild Arms: A trident thrust through a shield girded by laurels
Guild Membership: 69 (Total Membership)
Guild Power Structure: Subservient to Another Guild – LG
Guild Master: Silvanito di los Alcañiz
Masters: 10    Journeymen: 24    Apprentices: 34

The guild charter:
Rights of the Apprentice:
Pay: 12sp      Hours Worked: 8
An Apprentice may apply to his master once a year to rise to the level of Journeymen he must meet the following requirements:
Show: Moderate Skill in the craft (Profession/Craft DC:7)
Vow: in front of witnesses to serve the master for 4 years

Rights of the Journeyman:
Pay: 17sp      Hours Worked: 8
A Journeyman may apply to his master when he completes his Journeymen’s service, and once a year afterwards, he must meet the following requirements:
Show: Good Skill in the craft (Profession/Craft DC:20)
Vow: in front of witnesses to serve the master for an additional 2 years
Locate: an Area that is not currently being served by the Guild and setting up shop

None other then a Master of the Guild may sell any goods provided by the guild.
He shall charge exactly: 21 percent (of Item’s market price)

Members of this Guild can be expected to act in the following manners:
A master shall follow the law when they are dealing with the public in a regards to the business of the guild.
A master shall strictly interpret in regards to dealing with contracts.
A master shall handle other guild members within guild defined parameters.

Available Contracts
The Guild has a contract to find Tiago di los Escudero-Cid who was sworn to service to the guild, but has disappeared.
The Guild has a contract to find Carlotta di los Salgado-Oveido who was sworn to service to the guild, but has disappeared.
The Guild has a Bounty on one of their Journeymen, Carmilla di Santa Senra-Silva-Zaragoza who is selling trade secrets. Carmilla di Santa Senra-Silva-Zaragoza currently resides in Llangellwyn


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