April Mega Bundle Deal @ Open Gaming Store
The April Mega Bundle Deal is ongoing at the Open Gaming Store. For $20, you are getting over 190+ pdfs, valed at close to $300, which is almost everything that EG has on sale at OGS.
Rather than list everything in the bundle (check out the page for all the titles) some of the highlights include:
- Tavern Kit 2
- Backgrounds and Details Kit 2
- 40+ Feat books
- All the Campaigns Chunks series
- A huge amount of generators to help prompt your imagination and for inspiration
Something to bear in mind about this offer is that once it’s done, it will probably not be run again for a long time, if it is ever run again, so now is the perfect opportunity to get the bundle. Already got it? Tell others about it!
Adventure Outlines – Volume 1
Ennead Games runs a patron to help fund various projects, such as keeping the website going on contributing towards general upkeep.
One of the rewards for subscribers is a weekly series of adventure outlines, created using the “Adventure Outline Maker” system and expanded on. This PDF is a compilation of 10 weeks’ worth of outlines. They have been expanded where needed, minor details changed, but essentially are the same as what the Patrons’ get, just they get it earlier.
As the name suggests, these outlines are not full adventures. They are designed for when you need a quick adventure to fill in the gaps, or your players go wandering off the beaten track. Each outline is no larger than a page, designed in such a way to be easy to slip into any genre appropriate game or story. Each has some intro/flavour text, a snippet showing the originally generated result and the expanded one, fleshing out the mini-outline into something a bit more usable.
The outlines in this volume are…
- A day at the races – A dog race needs investigating
- Barbarians Game – A popular hero plays a game with those who want to put up a statue of her
- Flight of the Warlord – A warlord with a flying castle needs taking down and his brother wants to help
- Love of a witch – After helping a local, a woodsman and is determined to unite a witch with her love
- One of our dwarfs is missing! – A rather stupid dwarf has gone missing near an abandoned city
- Seekers Return – a haven for fortune tellers, seers and psychics has lost one of their members
- The Cave of the Immortal – A lost sorceress needs help in a cave system, but makes an interesting discovery
- The Generals Revenge – When a generals twin is killed by bandits, she seeks your help in catching his killers
- The Lost Deed of Bethesberg – If the deed for Bethesberg is not recovered by founders day, the town itself can be sold
- The Vulnerable Priest & the Warrior – A priest is confusingly told by his deity to NOT stop a ritual of power from taking place
Available now at –
Very soon available at –
Open Gaming Store and Paizo online stores soon (store links)
What’s been going on in the world of RPGs and gaming this week. Covers the latest posts from my favourite other rpg related blogs and sites. Do you have exciting news or info you want to share, or a product you want more people to know about? Then contact Ennead Games via the contact form or via social media.
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