1. Next mirror caster passes shatters; may appear to be an omen.
  2. The caster polymorphs into mammal appropriate for the area, or a random type if inapplicable.
  3. The target takes least possible damage from attacks by the caster.
  4. The target smells strongly of garlic in the presence of vampires.
  5. The caster ‘s nervous system vanishes, but he is unharmed.
  6. The target degenerates 1 HP per round for the next 30 rounds.
  7. Next fire started in area .
  8. The enchantments of all weapons and armours within a 50 foot radius area around the caster invert their bonuses for 7 rounds. I.e. +3 becomes -3..
  9. The target ‘s cloak becomes a clock.
  10. The caster ‘s alignment seems different to each person checking it.


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