From this coming wednesday, this blog will have a new posting schedule. This is to allow for , in theroy at least, better quality blog posts.

It have a Monday-Wednesday-Friday post with the odd random other ones thrown in, but the M-W.F will be the core.

Mondays will remain the blog round-up

Wednesday will be “Campaign Chunk” or other feature day

Fridays will be “List” day, with 10 or 20 items in a list that may be helpful in your stories or rpgs. This will be compiled once 100 (or groups therof) entries have been released and sold in a handy pdf or given away.

But what is a “Campaign Chunk?” – This is , for the most part, a system generic item/monster/location/lore/etc that be slotted into any genre-appropriate campaign. For any non Pathfinder Roleplaying Game article, stats will be given on a 1-10 scale. This will not be just fantasy, but eventually cover sci-fi, super heroes and other genres as well.

In other news, I’m in the process of learning photoshop to help improve quality of products and make new headers for products and items.

Lastly, if you havent liked our facebook page EnneadGames, get along there and do so. Once we hit 20 likes competitions to win products and drivethru goodies will be started.


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