Foundry Virtual Tabletop Community Content

I was a busy bee yesterday and did several things, so will break it down into smaller bits! There may be a theme linking these announcements, see if you can spot it…


First FoundryVTT module is now on Sale

Yesterday, as a kind of a trial, released on my first VTT module for FoundryVTT which was “Quick Generator – Pirate Name Generator – VTT Edition”, released under the Community Content system and requires a FoundryVTT licence to use. This is available on it’s own or in a bundle with both the PDF and the module. Will probably add a VTT page for modules in the near future, but not worth it now with just one module/bundle out.

For now, it’s just on but will probably go to others like DTRPG etc in the future.


New Generator Live

A new free to use generator has been put on the site, Pirate Captain names, which includes nicknames. This could be used for other crew but was designed with the captains or other important crew members in mind. Click on the link below to be taken to the generator page.


New Bot Content

The above content, Pirate Captain names + nicknames are now integrated into the Content Bot. Link for that can be found below or in the sidebar of the blog. Updates approximately twice a day. More content will be added to this as and when I can.

Other News

  • The proof for the hardback edition of “Content Pack 100 x d100 tables” has been ordered and once that arrives will be put on sale. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks.
  • More print titles are being planned, but are in the “when I get the time/energy to do so” category. I *want* to do more of these and now I have a greater understanding of the process it should go smoother…should…
  • Streaming – Once I get to the end of Endwalker in Final Fantasy 14, I’ll be going back to STO for a little bit. Will still be playing FF14 as there is a LOT of other content, but will be just on Thursdays, with Tuesdays being Trek Day.
  • Wednesday Watch Party – With Avatar TLA Season 3 last 4 episodes this week, have picked a film series to watch from next week that is one of my favourites, Back to the Future – 1 film per week…maybe…After that, will see how things go. Looking into other films and shows that could be shown then.
  • Map Tile Project – Needs a better working title, but it’s still in the planning/working things out stage. I need to get more assets I can use commercially and there are plenty of packs from amazing artists to choose from. The main issue is picking one as it will, in effect, determine the style of the packs as mixing assestsfrom various artists with their style and way of doing things doesn’t work very well. As with anything else, will keep folks updated on this.

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