Size: Average(4) 46 ,000 km circumference
Density: 10 Massive
Gravity – 2.5
Atmosphere pressure: Ultra Dense Atmosphere Rating = 270
Atmosphere type – simple: Chlorine/Corrosive
Atmosphere type – detailed:
60% Chlorine
30% Ammonia
4% Nitrogen
6% Trace gasses

Day : 50 Earth Hours
Year : 232 Earth days
Tilt: 79 degrees

Hydrosphere: 83 % of land mass covered in liquid
Magnetic Field Strength: 1 (No major regional variance)

Primary/Dominant Terrain: Glacier/Ice/Tundra
Highest Life form: Microbes, no plants

Orbiting Bodies :Debris , Moon , Gas Cloud , Dust Cloud , Something Else(Natural) , Gas Cloud , Planetary Ring , Something Else(Artificial) , Debris ,

Aspect/Quirk : Entertainment World – be it plays, living art or simple fun fairs – if it entertains you, it’s here


Generated with “Multiverse Kit Part 3- Planet Details

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