Today, for Resource Tuesday, I present not one, not two but THREE mapping programs from Inkwell Ideas. Each is a mapping program used to make a variety of maps. Very soon, probably in the next couple of weeks, I’m going to be using these to make some map tiles. These tiles will eventually be compiled into a publication with a view for selling and maybe printing, so I thought it only fair to share with you the most excellent programs I’m going to be using.

Each of these programs has a free version so you can try them to see if they are suitable for your needs, with paid versions available if you do for a fair price.

Rather than going over everything each program can do, I’ll post the highlights here, taken from the various sites features lists, and encourage you to give the trial versions a go.


Make hex based maps easily

  • Easily add terrain to a blank map by just clicking the hexes.
  • Drag over hexes to add terrain more quickly.
  • Use the random terrain generator to create a map.
  • Sketch in the basic terrain layout and run the terrain wizard to fill in your map based on your sketch.
  • Use feature icons to designate cities, castles, forts, mines, caverns, etc.
  • Draw lines to make your coastline look rough, add rivers, roads, trails, etc.
  • Add text of pre-set styles to name cities, rivers, countries, mountain ranges or anything else.

(link to page)



Using a grid/square based system make a map for dungeons or buildings with ease.

  • One-page dungeon export: Notes can be added to the map, and the first part of the note title (such as the “3a” part of “3a Guardroom”) is added to the map. Then the map and notes can be saved as a web page where the text of the notes (titles and descriptions) flow around the map which is placed in the corner.
  • Switch icon sets: A map can be created using a set of icons that are semi-realistic for use as a battlemat and then by changing one setting the map can be redrawn with the classic line art map symbols.
  • Battlemat Printing: Portions of a map or an entire map can be easily printed as 1″ squares to map a battlemat. The printout will automatically span multiple pages if needed.
  • File Upload: Quickly share your map with friends. Upload the file to the Dungeonographer website, and give your players the web address. Make changes, re-upload, and have the players refresh the web page.
  • Tokens: A small number of tokens are built into Dungeonographer, but you can add your own!
  • Random Dungeon Generator: A configurable random dungeon generator is included.
  • Random Room Descriptions. On the “Notes” dialog mentioned in #1, by choosing the room type on the dialog and clicking a “Re-Generate” button, a random room description appropriate for that room type will appear. You may regenerate it or edit it.


(link to page)



Cityographer lets you instantly create a city map and details (residents, store inventories & prices, etc.) You can have the program do it all in one step, or run it in a step-by-step fashion and edit the map and details as you go. Everything created is always completely editable.

  • Generate a medieval/fantasy city map in minutes.
  • Along with a map, generate details for each: building resident, staff worker, store price list, inn & tavern names.
  • Create the map in multiple ways: let the program do it all in one step; let the program do it step by step (allowing you to change more settings at each step as well as change the map between steps); make the map completely by hand.
  • The map is fully editable. Don’t like a specific road? Remove or move it. Need more buildings? Add them. Too many buildings? Remove or move some.
  • Click a building on the map (when the “view/add/edit map” button is selected) to see the buildings details. (Residents, inventory, etc.)


(link to page)


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