Star and Planet Name Maker
It has been said by some that the universe contains a billion galaxies. Each galaxy is meant to house a billion stars. That is close to a billion, billion stars, many of them with planets of some kind.
Most celestial catalogs use a hard to remember designation system like PX9-32 etc. A name is easier to remember and this will help you to create some names for your planets and stars.
- 2 x d1000 tables a prefix and suffix, divided up into 20 handy d100 sub-tables for the Star/Planet name
- 1 x d100 designators to tell you what position in the system the planet belongs, such as Alpha, IV, Six and a few more
- 1 x d100 table of pre-made examples, ready for you to use, such as…
- Astrozevo Prime
- Fephedro VIII
- Solarformica IX
100,000,000 possible combinations can be generated, some more suitable to your needs than others – The ones that seem weird and odd to us would be perfect for the translation from an alien language or miscommunications.
Available right now at DrivethruRPG
Very soon available at –
Open Gaming Store and Paizo online stores soon (store links)
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