Well, I 100% forgot to do the update yesterday – Was too hot and working on the latest PDF it just slipped my mind. It early ish here right now and getting warm, so before i pass out from heat, thought i’d get it done  😀



Finished the next PDF – A quick Gen for Fake Dinosaur Names (which can sometimes recreate real ones) – A companion product for the item coming out in 2.5 weeks A Dinosaur Generator/Tweaker, where you can make your own dino lie creature 😀


Other Stuff

Two things – The first is there is a sale going on for the first 10 items I uploaded to itchi.io

The second thing is prices of the base PDFs. As much as I would like to keep the prices as low as they are, this is not something I can do forever. As such, in about 3 months time (maybe longer) the base prices of the quick gens will be rising, probably to at least $1.99 and everything else going up from there. But some assurances

  1. Older items will not be rising in cost, some will be dropping
  2. The promotion for existing customers I run on DTRPG will continue and be more cost effective –

Being in the UK, the exchange rate makes every $1 I make (after fees etc)  turn into something a lot less, close to 70p. To give you an idea, if an item costs $1 on DTRP. After fees etc i get $0.60. That typical works out to being around 40 pence in £/Sterling.



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