Morning folks, its a Wednesday so its time for an update!


Creature Description Generator Volume 11 – Dinosaurs” came out. I would love to say I have spent the last few days working n a new PDF, but alas, mental exhaustion won this battle!

Been working on adding more PDFs to the page. I wont be putting up all the PDFS i make on the EG products page (either on itch or the custom one on the website), simple because I feel that some of them dont need to be added or are replaced by newer products etc.

Will be adding widgets (such as the one below) to older generator pages as time goes by.


Other Stuff

Mostly streaming related , have had two streams now (one shakedown to iron out any bugs and another proper one last night). But oh boy was I exhausted afterwards, like major energy levels drop. The plan is to , for now, just have streams on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with random impromptu streams at other times. Then, on the Monday after, will do a raw upload/vid dump to youtube as an archive, no edits etc. Having a fixed day makes sense, makes it easier for me to remember and as I dont plan on streaming on the weekends, I dont have to worry about the 48 hours exclusivity clause with Twitch.



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