My Wizard Tower

The Five Towers of Magic

“The Mages Guild has its place and purpose, yes, but we follow the old rules, from before the Binding. He-who-resides in the Catherdral may now be the source of all magic here in this world, but he doesn’t dictate HOW that magic is used…

 In Easthalen, a world almost saturated with magic and the arcane, there are many views on how this magic should be regulated and overseen. The Archivers, for example, dealt with the more dangerous aspects of magic. The Mages Guild is seen as the “Official” face of magic, setting the guidelines and “rules” for mages to follow. Yet there is another group, known unofficially as “The Five Towers”, with their members being, somewhat dismissively, called by guild mages as “Tower Mages.”. 

In Easthalen, a world almost saturated with magic and the arcane, there are many views on how this magic should be regulated and overseen. The Archivers, for example, dealt with the more dangerous aspects of magic. The Mages Guild is seen as the “Official” face of magic, setting the guidelines and “rules” for mages to follow. Yet there is another group, known unofficially as “The Five Towers”, with their members being, somewhat dismissively by guild mages as “Tower Mages.” 
The Tower Mages view those of the Guild as stuck up, set in their ways, part of the oppressive regime, whilst the MG views the Tower Mages as Chaotic and unpredictable. Those who subscribe to such ideas say that Mages guild might be “Lawful” with the Tower Mages being more “Chaotic.”  
With the MG having branches throughout the world and their HQ in Franner, the Tower Mages, have, five places of interest, which is where they got the names from. Each is linked in a way to the The Cosmology of Easthalen with each tower having rituals, defences and naming tied into or inspired by, their respective orbiting body. 

  1. The White Tower (Linked Moon – Albias) Primary Defence = Illusionary terrain
  2. The Grey Tower (Linked Moon – Berona) Primary Defence = Fear, terror, emotional overload
  3. The Red Tower (Linked Moon – Chamala) Primary Defence = Can move (you don’t find the tower, it finds YOU)
  4. The Blue Tower (Linked Moon – Doctrana) Primary Defence = Magic/Power nullification
  5. The Green Tower (Linked to the Ring) Primary Defence = Warping of spacetime

  Luckily, the defence system (except the Chamala/Red tower) is only around a 100-meter radius around the respective towers.


Note from Chris – This is an article i have made for my homebrew game as such, certain details, such as the tower locations etc have yet to be revealed – In other words I will add them later when/if the players find them


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Easthalen – My homebrew campaign world

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