The Old World - an old style map of the world probably hundreds of years old

This “topic” for World Building Wednesday is kind of a meta topic in that it’s related the world-building in itself. One of the hardest things when setting out to make guidelines for your world/game is what topic to cover. 11 such topics are listed below and cover, mostly speaking topics that are suitable for any world or genre.

I’ve also included “Magic” as the bonus topic/idea because it may not refer to the arcane arts, but stage magic or illusions and so on or even so-called sleight-of-hand tricks. Even if the response is “there is no magic in the world” it is an important topic to consider.

  1. Art and Culture
  2. Conflict
  3. Economy
  4. Education
  5. Exploration
  6. Geography
  7. History
  8. Religion
  9. Society
  10. Technology

Bonus topic – Magic


The on-going & growing list of world building prompts & questions can be found HERE.

World Anvil gives you a series of tools, templates and prompts to help manage and build your world – See more HERE (Affiliate Link)

What world-building topic would you like to see next time? Let me know in the comments below or on social media like Twitter.

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