Petitions to the Nature God

Average in size, in poor condition, with covers of thin wood.
• Written in Elven.
• The book is quite old (100 years).
• The vellum pages are sewn into the spine.
• An excellent treatise on the subject.
Value: 600 gp

Saints to the Fire Cults

Average in size, in excellent condition, with covers of deerhide.
• Written in Terran.
• The book is quite old (200 years).
• The parchment pages are loose.
There is a drawing of several men battling an illithid on the front cover and the book is wrapped in a dirty cloth.
• An excellent treatise on the subject.
Value: 400 gp

Legend of the Zealous Monk

Average in size, in excellent condition, with covers of heavy wood.
• Written in Dwarven.
• The parchment pages are loose.
A list of people’s names can be found near the front of the book.
• Adds nothing to the field, but its organization makes for an excellent reference.
Value: 400 gp

Transmutation Legends

A hefty tome, in average condition, with covers of heavy wood.
• Written in Common.
• The book is very old (200 years).
• The vellum pages are unbound, but wrapped with a leather cord.
• Numerous illustrations contribute nothing, but the writing is good.
Value: 350 gp

Merry Poetry

Average in size, in terrible condition, with covers of leather.
• Written in Common.
• The book is quite old (200 years).
• The parchment pages are loose.
The book is in a case of stained wood.
• An excellent treatise on the subject.
Value: 650 gp

Common-Common Dictionary

A thick work, in good condition, with covers of leather.
• Written in Common.
• The book is quite old (200 years).
• The vellum pages are loose.
• The writing appears to be that of a madman.
Value: 500 gp

Bat Strictures

A thin volume, in average condition, with covers of leather.
• Written in Common.
• The parchment pages are sewn into the spine.
• Much of the content has been stolen from Lexicon of Auran Letters.
Value: 450 gp

Dictionary of Draconic Terms

A thin volume, in good condition, with covers of heavy wood.
• Written in Common.
• The parchment pages are loose.
The book bears a small metal lock.
• An excellent treatise on the subject.
Value: 450 gp

Weather of the Laughing Hills

Average in size, in good condition, with covers of leather.
• Written in Common.
• The stamped metal pages are loose.
• Well-written but difficult to understand for non-experts.
Value: 250 gp

Draconic-Dwarven Dictionary

Average in size, in average condition, with covers of leather.
• Written in Common.
• The vellum pages are loose.
There are notes scribbled in the margins.
• Light but entertaining.
Value: 450 gp

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