1. Thanks to your short stature, your tower-shield completely covers you while the volley of arrows bounces off the shield’s metallic surface.
  2. Just as practiced, the blow lands firmly on the enemy’s shield, causing no damage.
  3. He parries your attack like you’re hitting a wall. You almost bounce back from the sheer force – this guy is strong!
  4. With a mighty grunt, you thrust your spear at your foe’s exposed belly. But with surprising agility, he sidesteps your lunge and you stumble forward, off-balance from your attack.
  5. With a mighty grunt, you thrust your spear at your foe’s exposed belly. But with surprising agility, he sidesteps your lunge and you stumble forward, off-balance from your attack.
  6. You see an opening and strike, but your opponent twists away from your blow and spins full circle, jamming into your side with weapon raised.
  7. Your opponent smiles through rotten teeth, drooling at the prospect of his next attack.
  8. Your target leaves himself open. But as you lunge forward, his weapon appears from nowhere and parries the attack. He grins at you with feral anticipation.
  9. Your opponent dances nimbly out of reach, laughing at your crude lunge.
  10. Dodging your blow, your opponent adjusts the grip on his blade while glaring at you: “So close.”



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