A somewhat zealot Priest of Half Elven Heritage by the name of Silverflower (Clan: Melilinni) (True Name: Nielari) is taking bets that the Party will not be able to recover part of a Skum. within 40 hours.

The man is willing to lay 592 Gold Pieces against the terms of the bet at 3/1 Odds. There are 2 other takers at 367 GP, and 401 GP respectively, so the Total Buy-In for this particular Wager is 1360 Gold Pieces. The Payoff for this Wager is 5440 Gold Pieces if the Terms of the bet are met. If the specified part is returned intact, the man is willing to pay an additional 120 Gold Piece Bonus.

This bet is actually a Red Herring. Skums can not be found here.

A blustering, drunk Wizard of Human Heritage by the name of Hàdrasarthà is betting that the Party will not be able to return alive.

The man is willing to lay 46 Gold Pieces against the terms of the bet at 1/1 Odds. There are 3 other takers at 14 GP, 24 GP, and 19 GP respectively, so the Total Buy-In for this particular Wager is 103 Gold Pieces. The Payoff for this Wager is 206 Gold Pieces if the Terms of the bet are met.


A blustering, sadistic Sellsword of Elven Heritage by the name of Niellir Lyrlial has offered a bet that (a Random Player) will not be able to recover part of a Phantom fungus. within 40 hours.

The woman is willing to lay 48 Gold Pieces against the terms of the bet at 2/1 Odds. There is 1 other taker at 44 GP, so the Total Buy-In for this particular Wager is 92 Gold Pieces. The Payoff for this Wager is 276 Gold Pieces if the Terms of the bet are met.

This bet is actually a Red Herring. Phantom funguses can not be found here.

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