Palace of the Primordial Destroyers
The main characters are hired by a general to foil an ally at a city but have to contend with an a fanatic and an a military individual while being confronted by puzzles.
They are rewarded with thier lives

Castle of the Cursed Terror
The main characters respond to a plea for aid from a hunter and must safeguard a noble in a wasteland but have to contend with a government official while being confronted by fear.
They are rewarded with some magical minerals

Catacomb of the Lethal Dream
The main characters are asked by a groom to trap a book on a trade route but have to contend with a wizard while being confronted by insanity.
They are rewarded with land or property

River of Power
The main characters must safeguard a stranger in the outlands but have to contend with a spy while being confronted by trickery.
They are rewarded with thier lives

Pit of the Forbidden Warlord
The main characters agree to do a favour for a singer and oppose an organization in the sky but have to contend with a lunatic while being confronted by magical complications.
They are rewarded with money


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