Every magic item has some kind of history behind it, even the most basic items. Here’s 5 to help get you started:

  1. The item’s age is not old, made about 588 years ago. There are heavy traces of obsidian in its manufacture. The item was forged by goblinkin, the exact maker unknown, exactly where is unknown. They say it took part in the making of the greater infernal minion chgzzh. It is thought to have been destroyed by the barbarian Ignican. Dragons say its creator hated males, and it will not serve them.
  2. The item’s age is not old, about 446 years old. There does not seem to be any exotic material used in its manufacture. The item was forged by goblinkin, the exact maker unknown, in the vicinity of Gimest. Wizards say it took part in the return of the elf lord Dreathereruil. Lore links it with no one in particular. Whatever other lore this item may hold is not known.
  3. The item’s age is ancient, possibly made even 3143 years ago. There might even be traces of silver in its manufacture. The item was forged by elves, the exact maker unknown, exactly where is unknown. Sorcerers say it took part in the creation of the hero Cristina Arunta. It dissapeared because it was stolen by the monk Legomiin. Rumors say bad fortune befalls the owner.
  4. The item’s age is old, about 1669 years old. There seems to be traces of adamantine in its manufacture. The item was forged by elves, the exact maker unknown, exactly where is unknown. Bards say it took part in the death of an ancient barony, Granten. It dissapeared because it was stolen by the monk Utagawa Uyko. Rumors say its creator hated males, and it will not serve them.
  5. The item’s age is not old, about 601 years old. There are traces of gold in its manufacture. The item was forged by dwarves, Dorur Hurwarf to be precise, near the Qualin Mountains. Rumors say it took part in the creation of the elf lord Myleiri Silinrillan. Lore links it with the explorer Thufu. There is nothing else known about the item.

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