1. Dame Aerdek of Altan Tepes Mountains the Chaotic, Mistress of Crismarira
  2. Sir Reccili Galahal the Powerful, Master of Talasol
  3. Lord Bregunoth the Chaotic, Master of Igniyal
  4. Sir Grasfit the Unstoppable, Baron of Werela
  5. Lady Bargretruoyag of Pirate Isles, Mistress of Wyrcan
  6. Sir Galgee Huorda II , Master of Kapyr
  7. Dame Tazafaya Khemka the Curious, Baroness of Lyre
  8. Dame Ulgakh Zelmer, Mistress of Crysira
  9. Sir Quintus Fabricus Posthumus Bellin the Apprentice, Master of Kelary
  10. Sir Watanabe Uanmi the Unmatched, Master of Talapyr
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