Arcane Babble Generator

There may come a time when, as a player or GM, you want to create a spellcaster. You may want to write down or say something that sounds impressive to the non-magic users or even create what could be the spell words needed for that incredible feat of arcane power.

This generator, like the techno-babble generator, is designed to give you a set of words that sound like they could be used for spellcasting, rituals or anything where mortals are trying to tap into powers they are not meant to.

Using a series of random d100 table, these words can be combined in an incredible amount of ways, from short words and phrases to complex and almost unspeakable words designed to summon power from the abyss.

Disclaimer – Ennead Games cannot be held responsible for any eldritch horrors or arcane misfire that occur from the result of saying these words out loud.

Inside you’ll find…

  • A system that shows you how to combine the tables together
  • 3 x d100 tables (prefix,join and end/suffix)
  • 1 x d100 table of pre-made examples, to show you what can be done and save you time

Example Arcane Babble

  • Antioayacio Ahguish Auxiame Benetendo
  • Infate Zaouoaris Raviiuguish Nimouaeta
  • Labaeyist Xakloom

Very soon available at – 

Open Gaming Store (Spend over $20 on EG products at Open Gaming Store and get A BONUS OGS (non-bundle) product (PDF) ABSOLUTELY FREE!)

Paizo online stores soon (store links)


GMS Day Sale

For the next week or so (depends on your timezone), there is a GM’s day sale going on at Drivethrurpg, in which a lot of Ennead Games titles are on sale and discounted. There are too many to list, so go over to the page now and pick-up some bargains.


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