As time is going on, and the work load from the day-day business increases, I’m finding it harder and time-consuming to come up with quality content for the blog and site. So I’m on the lookout for people who want to show off their articles, be published on the net, talk about anything rpg related for any genre or any game, copyright allowing. It can be about anything non-adult related. Some examples are given below.

  • Creating your character
  • Making a believable world come to life
  • Campaign Chunks
  • Random tables (always need more of these)
  • Items of interest, be it spells, monsters, places, people etc.
  • Short stories
  • Your own artwork (or someone you have permission from to show off their work)
  • Promote your own site/product alongside your contribution (within reason)
  • Anything Else!

If you have an idea/contribution get in touch at If you want to contribute but don’t have an idea on what to do, then I can provide you with some suggestions and you pick what you want.

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