Very few dungeons have no-doors.Most the time they are plain and simple. But you may need more details. Here’s 3 in case you need those details


Door: A strong wooden door (2″, Hard 5, 20 hp, Stucked 23, Locked 25)
Open/Closed: Closed
Lock: None.
Stucked: Jammed shut as a result of warped wood.

Description: It appears to be constructed of Cedar and is in poor condition (1/2 hp). It is in disrepair.
It is moss-covered.

Opening the Door: It opens by sliding into the wall and to the left. It is opened by a standard pull-handle on the right side of the door.

Trap: None.

Sound: None.

Locks/Hinges: Hardness 10, 30 hp.


Door: An iron door (2″, Hard 10, 60 hp, Stucked/Locked 28)
Open/Closed: Closed
Lock: Locked with a standard key-type lock (very simple but slightly damaged DC22) with a broken lockpick in the lock on the other side of the door.
Stucked: No.

Description: It appears to be constructed of Steel and is in good condition. There are no major signs of damage.
There are no additional decorations, but there is, on the door, a message scrawled in black ink that says: “The war-stricken shall lead the way to a diligent life”.
It is written in contemporary undercommon.

Opening the Door: It opens to the right and towards you. It is opened with a pull-ring that is located on the left side of the door.

Trap: Hail of needles (CR3)
Hail of Needles: CR 3; mechanical; location trigger; manual reset; Atk +20 ranged (2d4); Search DC 22; Disable Device DC 22. Market Price: 5,400 gp.

Sound: None.

Locks/Hinges: Hardness 10, 30 hp.


Door: An iron portcullis (2″, Hard 10, 60 hp, Stucked 28, Locked 28, Lift 25)
Open/Closed: Closed
Lock: Locked with a standard key-type lock (average but slightly damaged DC27) with a broken lockpick in the lock on the other side of the door.
Stucked: No.

Description: It appears to be constructed of Steel and is in good condition. There are no major signs of damage.
There are no additional decorations.

Opening the Door: It opens to the right and away from you. It is opened with a fixed latch that is located on the left side of the door.

Trap: Opening this door causes a Trapdoor to open above the persons in front of the door, a room full of sand on the unfortunate victims, causing 22 dmg to the party (Ref 1/2). There is also a chance of being buried alive and suffocating beneath the sand (Reflex Save DC15). Characters must succeed at a Strength or Escape Artist check to free themselves from the sand (DC as save -5). If they fail, they must make a Fortitude Save (same DC as escaping) after 3 rounds or suffocate.

Sound: None.

Locks/Hinges: Hardness 10, 30 hp.

Created by using : Tablesmith

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