Quick Generator - Deific Technology

This week’s PDF is another Quick Gen and gives ideas or concepts for Deific, or divine, technology.

Originally, this was going to be called “Divine Technology” but then I realised soon after that someone I am friends with has made a PDF of the same name, related to a game system about heroes becoming deities, so was a struggle to find another appropriate term, but then “Deific” showed up…thank you thesaurus!

Some of the test ideas/concepts it put out when I was making had a duel aspect to them, both sounding boring, but when you look at it another way, quite terrifying, like “Fire Chamber” …


Quick Generator – Deific Technology

Bring forth the Holy Tech…

For many, the divine is there to simply answer prayers and other celestial mysteries. For others, they serve as sources of strength in their day to day lives. There are even those who make items as a way to worship and show devotion to the ones who they believe created them or guide their daily lives.

A few, take this devotion even further and start to make items that have a connection of some kind to their deities.

Sometimes the names/concepts are metaphorical, other times, which can be a concern to those who rely upon the power of the divine, quite literal…

This PDF gives you 2 x d100 tables, which, when combined as per the instructions can give you 10,000 possible ideas or concepts for divinely inspired technology.

Example outputs include…

  • Armageddon Collar
  • Dedication Bypass
  • Unity Differential
  • Infinity Transformer
  • Gnosis Dampener
  • Martyr Dissipator
  • Fire Chamber
  • Custodian Adjustor
  • Demiurge Matrix
  • Blasphemy Projector



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