As many a player of RPGs knows, the creation of a character, both for NPCs and regular pcs can be a difficult one. For many, myself included, the name can be the hardest part.

Fantasy Name Generators is one place you can go to help with that issue. There are over 1000 generators on the site spread across several broad catagories

  • Fantasy Names
  • Real Names
  • Place Names
  • Pop Culture
  • Description
  • Other

I won’t go through all of them, as there are so many to list – There is a handy “Random Generator” option to take you , as the name suggests, a random page. I clicked on it and got “Stage Name.”

Each generator has a little bit of an explanation about it. Some of them, like the names, have two options for a refresh, such as giving you female names on one and male names on another button.

The site is free to use but is ad supported.  If you use an ad-block, it’s one of the few places I would consider putting on the programs white list to help support it.

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