This is a sample generated using the rules in Multiverse Kit Part 3 – Planet Details



Size: Huge (8) 213 ,000 km circumference
Density: 2 Very Low
Gravity – 0.04
Atmosphere pressure: Thicker Atmosphere Rating = 5
Atmosphere type – simple: Helium/Inert
Atmosphere type – detailed:
62% Helium
35% Argon
2% Oxygen
1% Trace gasses

Day : 43 Earth Hours
Year : 176 Earth days
Tilt: 90 degress

Hydrosphere: 44 % of land mass covered in liquid
Magnetic Field Strength: 64 (Fluxing – Equator)

Primary/Dominant Terrain: Swamp/Bog
Highest Lifeform: Microbes, basic plants

Orbiting Bodies :


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