four horsemen apocalypse line art 4190226

This week’s “10 Questions…” is the first about the Apocalypses and is focused on the fantasy genre (sci-fi version coming next week) – Short and simple really, and a subject I have been fascintaed with for a while.

  1. Are there any hidden sanctuaries that survived the apocalypse?
  2. Has magic itself transformed in the wake of the apocalypse and if so how?
  3. How do different regions of the world cope with the aftermath?
  4. How have fantastical creatures evolved or adapted to the changed world?
  5. Name a cult or group that worships the cataclysm as a divine event.
  6. What is a phenomenon that occurs regularly after the apocalypse?
  7. What is a unique magical anomaly that emerged after the apocalypse?
  8. What magical resource became scarce and highly sought after post-apocalypse?
  9. What mythical event triggered the apocalypse?
  10. What remnants of older civilizations remain?

Bonus Question – What are the details of a legendary artefact that is said to hold the key to restoring the world?


The ongoing & growing list of world-building prompts & questions

World Anvil gives you a series of tools, templates and prompts to help manage and build your world –  (Affiliate Link)

What world-building topic would you like to see next time? Let me know in the comments below or on social media.

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