No new campaign chunk this week as I am revising Volume 11 to go on sale as a compiled pdf hopefully next week. Something else I am working on is compiling all the content from Volume 1 through to 10 into one handy publication, with a view to later being made into print-on-demand. This will mean 100 chunks in one ready to go volume.

Forgotten what chunks there are? Well, take a look at this list –

Chunk Name Volume
“Demon Blood” Arrow 5
“What if?” Magazine 8
17 Unknown Soldiers 10
Aber Naver, maker of “Dress of Flesh” 3
Amber Room 10
Anima/Soul spice 2
Ankh of Tiumautef 5
Aqua Planet 7
Aquatic Antenna 4
Bella in the Elm 10
Blackout 7
Blood Knights 7
Bloodthirsty White-Eared titi 7
Blue Cloud 2
Book of the Dead 8
Brenlon, The Red King of the East 3
Broadcast Interruption 10
Burning Men 4
Cathsar-Sarmal Boat Race 7
Central Hall 2
Charter of Algius 6
Cookbook for Time Travellers 9
Crystal Cave of Gernanium 6
Damocles class super carrier 4
Death of a Beauty Queen 1
Devrok, the castle of The Blood Lord 1
Easty Spiker 9
Emma of Lake Jade 6
Emperor’s Delight 4
Erdan Triangle 6
Farbrough Penal Colony 8
Fig Plants 8
Firefly Squid 6
Flight of the Locust moth 3
Funerary Mask 5
Gastroenteritis Outbreak 4
Giant Polyopisthocotylea 1
Glass Tower 1
Goat Refuge 7
Grand Derby 1
Grand Tour 8
Grandeur Institute of Technology 3
Great Deep Abyss 2
Green Children of Goating 10
Grevalian Report 1
Grey Blobs 10
Hell-portals 6
Highbourne Observatory 5
HMS Determination 9
Hoodening 8
Human Magnets 4
Hunters Flu 3
Impact Crater 1
Inferno Noodles 3
International Space Authority 8
Invisible Frogfish of Fairview 3
James Oak Dam 9
Jeweled Eggs 6
Juniper bush of Junzin 1
Kings Vintage Wine 9
Kirlian photography 6
Lanterns of Landium 5
Lead Mask Cases 10
LIMBO Supercomputer 6
Lines of Falcona 4
Locomotive XY-67 10
Lost Automata of DeMerch 5
Lost Book of prophecy 5
Lost Monastery 9
Maketh Glass 7
Mobius-Strip Roller Coaster 5
Music , Recording and Associated Sciences Award 3
Music in the Woods 9
New Year’s Day 1
Niavon Numbers Station 5
Northern Goat-Antelope 5
Organ Harvesting 2
Pilot Whale 7
Puzzle Statue 10
Resurrected Caesar Cocktail 7
S.S Brünnhilde 2
Sandys’ Guitar 6
Seige of Myrandi 3
Solar Eclipse 3
Solaris, the solar powered town 8
Southern Dig Site 2
Star Jelly of Hemcus 4
Star River 1
Stilton Stockcar Derby 5000 9
Sturges Canal 2
The Hum 10
Thunder Cannons of Calmview 4
Touchhelm Carnival 2
Ultra Olympics 2
Valley of the Kings 9
Vaults of Dunfur 4
Vertigo City 8
White-Cap Mushroom 7
Wrestling Academy 9
Young Explorers 8

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