Today, being New Years Eve, I am taking the opportunity to go over some upcoming pdfs & generators and plans for 2016.

2016 Plans

Backgrounds & Details Kit 2 – Fantasy Edition

You have probably seen me update about on this on twitter, assuming you are on twitter. If not, then follow EnneadGames here for twitter and here for Facebook. If you haven’t, the gist of the post is that the popular Backgrounds & Details Kit is being updated and expanded. At the time of writing, it has close to 50 pages and is suitable for a fantasy style setting game or story. If it proves to be as popular as the last one, then it will be made into a Sci-Fi edition. At the moment, it is looking like a January 11th release for this. If sales go well, I may even make it into a print edition.


At the moment, Ennead Games is primarily Fantasy focuses, especially on the generator side of things. I am aiming to get more diverse content within EG, from Sci-Fi to other genres. The majority of content will still have a fantasy leaning, but I hope to get more variety of content for people to enjoy.


Related to above, I’ll be doing my best to bring at least one new generator out on the site a week. Some will be based on existing content, such as the PDFs sold on Drivethru etc. Will be trying to get more guest generators from others as well, as a way of promoting the site and bringing in views.


I am looking into getting a merchandise online shop set up for things like mousepads, pens, pencils, mugs, etc. To begin with will probably be on something like Cafepress. More details to come. If i can source a place for RPG themed products, like dice bags, then they will be used as well.


I’ll be updating the patreon page. The design and offers for the various levels of support will be tweaked and changed.

Product Updates

The Fantastic Feats collection will be updated to the new format. I’ll be working backward from volume 48 and adding the new content/format to each volume. This should start around Feburary or March time.


I hope the new year is a good one for you all, thanks for following Ennead Games and all your support, could not have made it through the year.

May the dice roll ever in your favor

Chris, chief monkey of Ennead Games

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