Type: Riding Dog: Yellow Lab
Color: Yellow.
Age: Middle-Aged (8 years) (8-11; -1 Str / Dex / Con; +1 Wis / Cha; modify hp)
Size: 7.0 hands (2′ 3″ at shoulder)
Unusual Characteristics: None
Trick: Stay.
Temperment: Even-tempered.
Speed: 40 feet per round
Overland Travel: 32 miles per day
Armor Class: 16
Hit Points: 10 (Normal Average: 13)
Value: 130 gp (Normal: 150 gp)
Asking: 169 gp

Riding Dogs Age Categories: (modifiers to be added, not cumulative)
Puppy (under 1): -4 Str / Con; -2 Dex / Wis / Cha.
Young Adult (2): -1 Str / Dex / Wis / Cha.
Mature (3-7): nothing.
Middle Age (8-11): -1 Str / Dex / Con; +1 Wis / Cha.
Old (12-14): -3 Str / Dex / Con; +2 Wis / Cha.
Venerable (15+): -6 Str / Dex / Con; +3 Wis / Cha.

Type: Riding Dog: St. Bernard
Color: White and brown.
Age: Mature (3 years) (3-7; no modifiers)
Size: 10.0 hands (3′ 3″ at shoulder)
Unusual Characteristics:
-Loyal (Iron Will as bonus feat).
Trick: none.
Temperment: Even-tempered.
Speed: 40 feet per round
Overland Travel: 32 miles per day
Armor Class: 16
Hit Points: 11 (Normal Average: 15)
Value: 260 gp (Normal: 200 gp)
Asking: 260 gp

Riding Dogs Age Categories: (modifiers to be added, not cumulative)
Puppy (under 1): -4 Str / Con; -2 Dex / Wis / Cha.
Young Adult (2): -1 Str / Dex / Wis / Cha.
Mature (3-7): nothing.
Middle Age (8-11): -1 Str / Dex / Con; +1 Wis / Cha.
Old (12-14): -3 Str / Dex / Con; +2 Wis / Cha.
Venerable (15+): -6 Str / Dex / Con; +3 Wis / Cha.

Type: Riding Dog: Mutt
Color: Brown.
Age: Mature (5 years) (3-7; no modifiers)
Size: 7.1 hands (2′ 4″ at shoulder)
Unusual Characteristics: None
Trick: none.
Temperment: Even-tempered.
Speed: 40 feet per round
Overland Travel: 32 miles per day
Armor Class: 16
Hit Points: 11 (Normal Average: 13)
Value: 150 gp
Asking: 188 gp

Riding Dogs Age Categories: (modifiers to be added, not cumulative)
Puppy (under 1): -4 Str / Con; -2 Dex / Wis / Cha.
Young Adult (2): -1 Str / Dex / Wis / Cha.
Mature (3-7): nothing.
Middle Age (8-11): -1 Str / Dex / Con; +1 Wis / Cha.
Old (12-14): -3 Str / Dex / Con; +2 Wis / Cha.
Venerable (15+): -6 Str / Dex / Con; +3 Wis / Cha.

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