Fantastic Feats Volume 48 – Skald

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Fantastic Feats Volume 48 – Skald
Adjective – Strange, different; imaginary

The term skald (or skáld) meaning ‘poet’, is generally used for poets who composed at the courts of Scandinavian and Icelandic leaders during the Viking Age and Middle Ages.
Skalds are poets, historians, and keepers of lore who use their gifts for oration and song to inspire allies into a frenzied rage.

This edition of “Fantastic Feats” gives you ten feats for the Skald in your party.

The Skald can sometimes use their spell energy to provide a bonus to certain acts and this is reflected in the feats they can use.

Anthem of Attacking – Increase minimum melee damage
Ballard of Protection – A Bonus to saving throws
Chant of Performance – Perform Skill is now more
Fearsome Reputation – Intimidation/bluff checks can be re-rolled
Melody of Moods – Social dice rolls can be improved
Musical Weapon – Use your instrument as an improvised weapon
Poem of Power – You or your allies are now better
Saga of Defending – Makes it harder for your foes to get through your armour
Song of Inspiration – Gain a bonus to your next hit roll
Tale of Rage – Sacrifice spell power for more rage potency

Available at Drivethru now (product link) and and Paizo online stores soon (store links)

Don’t forget Ennead Games has a Patreon running now as well

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