Another quick one, not much to cover today
“Helpful List Arbitary Collection 10” came out on Monday, as well, it surprised me that I got to that as it was wanother “never thought it was going to get tht far” thing. But it ties in nicely with a slight change to the friday lists coming very soon, (possibly this Friday)
World Anvil
No new WA article last week, but there should be a new one tommrow, cover the transport system of the Bridge
Streaming and Vids
- Streaming – It’s looking like with the specs of Cyberpunk, I ight be able to stream it, but will do a hybrid stream where I run it and see how much OBS panics. If all is good, will continue playing the Cyberpunk game, if not, then switch to ESO and will cyber up in my free time.
- Vids – Only 1 vid was uploaded last week (see below as its realted to that)
Goals and To-Do List
Goal | Current | Goal # | To Go |
Twitter – Followers | 1,101 | 2000 | 899 |
Twitter – Tweets | 38987 | 50,000 | 11,013 |
Twitch – Followers | 222 | 500 | 278 |
Youtube – Subscribers – Custom URL | 18 | 100 | 82 |
Youtube – Subscribers – Monetization | 18 | 1000 | 982 |
Youtube – Uploads | 183 | 200 | 17 |
Youtube – Views | 485 | 10,000 | 9,515 |
Weekly Goal | Done? |
Add a new generator to the gen page/updated old one | Y |
Add a pdf collection or item to itch | Y |
Uploaded stream to YT | Y |
Biweekly | |
World Anvil Article | Y |
Other Stuff
I mentioned above that there was only one ESO stream uploaded last week. After a particular unpleasent moment on twitter, where I had to deal with a patronising and abelist so-called “sensitivty editior” that left me in the foulest of moods I have had for a long time , I figured out I am spending more time dealing with assholes and negative stuff on there than I am having positive interactions. As such, am winding down my twitter use for now and only using it for the bare minimum self promotion etc. I know this will hurt me in the long term, but frankly I am fed up with dealing with so-called progressives being up their own asses and making the lives of people who do not 100% agree with them and their way of thinking like they are the enemy when asking for a bit of consideration with regards to broad sweeping statements. I may return to it properly in the future, but for now I am using tweetdeck to remove the main feed and only post my own blog posts and retweeting others stuff.